Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Fantasmic single release

    Cosmic and fantasy (I hope).  Good clean fun for the family in this quick draw single released today for the listening pleasure of all, if that is your cup of tea.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Ravenous album release

    Nostalgia.  Already?  With the purchase of Daft Punk's 'Homework' album at a CD+ store in the local mall, I was given a flyer to a party that was happening at a night club named Crabby Mike's.  This was the first of several experiences with the disco revival that happened back in the early 2000s.  Rave parties minus any drugs were a positive experience for me as the volume of the music drown out all schizophrenia distractions.  

    The Ravenous album composed here defines not only the pun of being at a rave.  Upon doing some homework of my own, the meaning today refers to mainly that of being hungry or starved, as in a ravenous appetite.  Further back in time, ravenous meant someone greedy for unjust gain or riches, such as a pirate.  Might not be too far off in our time as well.