Monday, July 29, 2024

Sir Mixalot’s mixtape du jour: The Bone Spawn Comical Artisan Overcomer

Hypnosis  101
Hypnosis  101

     The Hypnosis act performed at the Exhibition portion of the Medicine Hate Stampede Rodeo festival is an eye opener. Spiritism (not to be confused with spirituality), is front and center in the informative demonstration of how hypnosis and possession work their magic. Strangely enough, when the hour five minute long movie was con posed, all the video clips of the hypnosis act have no audio in the editing program.  Upon checking the footage, the audio is intact, only absent in the editor. Enjoy the music instead. 

Following the tradition of dumping on Johnny B Good

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Sunday, July 28, 2024

mODERN gAY fRANCE mixtape

    Inspired by the nonsensical opening ceremonies of the 2024 summer Olympics in France, this mixtape draws from almost 30 years ago when I was teaching myself photography coinciding with art class in my senior high school year. Sick to death of the drag defamation (don’t be draggots) and the blasphemy of things Christendom, clarification as to early early art projects and photo studio experimentation are in order (think Nirvana). The following selfie portrait was made with film in a Pentax K1000 camera and a cable release long before cellphone cameras were realized.  My artistic creativity took off upon my leaving home following graduation. Pottery meets photography in the defame of our youth.

Took a few tries to get it right.  A different ballgame where film photography is concerned.

Was BIG on this album in high school 

Friday, July 26, 2024


Reminiscent of family history, a calling to repentance.

    Sorrow is better than laughter:  for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better.  The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.  It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.  For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool:  this also is vanity.  Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad;  and a gift destroyeth the heart.  Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof:  and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.

Dedicated to Lester the jester
    Following conversations long ago such as, 'false prophets are supposed to be killed off if you are following the Old Testament', a jog of the memory holds true.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

pre-AI fanboy blasts from the past

Aphex Twin fandom
A master of ambience, kudos to Richard D. James

Early attempt at recreating the Red Calx song

Actualized Red Calx song by Aphex Twin

The most calming of sounds, this is ambience done right.

featuring 'diskhat ALL prepared1mixed 13' by Aphex Twin

Beastie Boys fandom
Another epic fan video for the B-boys

Alice in Chains fandom
PHD for the records

And one more Aphex Twin fanboy video
Located in the beautiful Drumheller, Alberta region
(Royal Tyrrell Museum) [song is 'Blue Calx' by Aphex Twin]

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Take it one art project at a time

    Take a break from fighting the neo and negro-Nazis and reflect on struggles past. “You’ll need iT”!

Rapertoire of anti-German sentiment mixtape

    Demons and their rape. My wife tells me of a traumatic experience that occurred round 1982 when she was date raped at 17 years of age. A man studying satanic literature told her he would cut her to pieces if she did not allow him to rape her in a park near downtown Oshawa, Ontario. Afterwards she describes having an out of body experience. 

    Riding the wave of anti-German sentiment regardless of her being born and raised in Canada, too many of these sort of occurrences have happened in the past. Nowadays the problem seems to stem from the Islamic devils running rampant in the western world.


The following mixtape contains music not for the faint of heart as well as explicit lyrics. DJ detection at work. 

[Sincerely, the knights of the sound table]

Saturday, July 20, 2024

2024 Car Show

    We spent two afternoons detailing our transport getting it ready for the annual car show at the Medicine Hat, Alberta Murray Chev Cadillac dealership where it is from.  Complimentary engine shampoo from the dealer.  

    There is much to these car communities.  Photos of my grandfather recall his owning an SS Chevy of some sort.  The Peg's family have built a multigenerational career working in the Oshawa, Ontario General Motors Company auto manufacturing plant.


Friday, July 19, 2024

Ex Twit (grandpa tales mixtape)

     Memory crate digging galore!  "Eye is not satisfied with seeing nor the ear with hearing".  Ecclesiastes 1:8  We seem to have solved that problem nowadays what with the abundance of streaming services everywhere.  

    Nevertheless, here is a mixtape full of classics (classics?) from a past where CDs and vinyl were king. 

    -note that both mixes presented here are missing key songs from Aphex Twin's '26 Mixes for Cash' albums.

    Apologies if a few of the tracks are no longer listed in the music stores. As a rule, I try not to create posts that are non business related and have no potential to become profitable (or prophetic [apostolic]) on this site. This mix however (if you have all day to listen), is not only full of cherry picked favorites from discs I once owned or now own today, but also much of my own work to be enjoyed repetitiously. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Houdini laugh track EP release


    Given the red month or witching month of June having come to a close, what is left in the aftermath is among other issues an EP which pokes fun at the hullabaloo. 

     The title track pays homage to the jest of modern day voodoo within the western world.  Pharmspace is a track made out at ye’ olde farm and ties in nicely with the Aphex Twin track following it in the artist mix (a track which was originally copy pasted into the Pharmspace track).  Angel in Training, a name so given based on a pin gifted from family to The Peg, precedes the sober conclusion of the EP, The Greatest Detective Who Ever Franced (a play on the original Chief Inspector Jacques Clouseau battling Dreyfus series of The Pink Panther).

or hear it in an artist mix:

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Word up mixtape

(if only Apple had shared playlists available in dark mode)

(your move Apple)

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

AI copied homework

Write a poem about George Soros:

- Chat GPT (CATS, I FARTED in french):

In whispers of finance, his name does arise,

A figure of power, beneath global skies.

George Soros, the man with a vision so keen,

Navigating markets, a master unseen.

From Budapest streets to halls of acclaim,

He carved out his path, and garnered his fame.

Philanthropist, thinker, with causes to hold,

A champion for justice, with courage so bold.

Through Open Societies, he seeks to impart,

A freedom, a fairness, close to his heart.

Critics may mutter, conspiracy spins,

Yet his legacy speaks through the battles he wins.

In the world of finance, a titan he'll stand,

With wisdom and foresight, his cards in command.

A man of conviction, of stories untold,

George Soros, a legend, both daring and bold.

Write a poem critical of George Soros:

- CHAT GPT (CATS I FARTED in french):

In shadows of finance, his name casts a shade,

George Soros, the figure in power's parade.

With whispers of wealth, and influence vast,

Controversy clings to his deeds of the past.

Speculation's maestro, he played with the fates,

Toppling currencies, shifting the states.

A philanthropist's mask, some voices declare,

Hides motives of power, ambitions laid bare.

His billions fund causes, yet doubts intertwine,

Is it freedom he seeks, or a grander design?

Critics decry him, a puppet master unseen,

In the web of the world, pulling strings from the screen.

Through markets and nations, his shadow does loom,

A figure of contention, with whispers of gloom.

George Soros, enigma, both revered and reviled,

A titan whose actions leave many beguiled.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

State of the Business Affairs

trew dat

    With the month of June’s tomfoolery of social media concluded, the focus is once more on generating business revenue and balancing mental health remedies with salvation. 

    In the market for merch?  It may be a lengthy process but nonetheless if you are obsessed with the supremiest of clothing, contact us to discuss details. 
