Wednesday, October 30, 2024

The Woke Mind Virus Miseducation System

     Beyond the miseducation system of the woke Buffalo Bill teachers giving us what we pay for (underpaid) and having been steeped in the false prophecy of the Watchtower bible and tract Society;  scripture paints a picture not of destruction of the ungodly by a secondary global deluge (the covenant given represented by the rainbow in the sky), but of the earth being stored up for destruction by fire.

    The doomsday cult I grew up in painted pictures of fantastical scenes of natural disasters all occurring at once, easily disputed fantasies that further misunderstanding of bible prophecy.

    The point here is that while God promises not to flood the earth ever again, He far from promises not to destroy anyone by other means, the foremost being fire.  In fact the passage here demonstrates that it is the heavens depicted as burning on the day of judgement where the earth is laid bare in all that we have done.


Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Keeping up with the Mufasiana Joneses

    An archaic photo of my late grandfather restored for commemoration and then some.

    The time of year where we remember to celebrate evil is upon us.  With Halloween approaching, followed by Remembrance Day, the Legion of spellbinding is upon us followed by the legion of remembering past binds.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Spacious as she goes mixtape

    A veritable grunge sandwich of favourites tuned to perfection for your Pavlov pleasure.

press image to link iTunes 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Do No Harm-(agedon) header

    Given the circus like state of affairs, the carnival of tit for tat of seemingly endless wars and mayhem that have spilled over into the streets of most western countries who have welcomed it, peace of mind no longer reigns supreme.  

    Conservation of the environment is a group effort, and while there are those who put into practice the notion of tax and spending the clime into submission, greater forces than mathematics are at play.  

    Previous ice ages may well have been preceded by heat waves and a global meltdown if not simply the global deluge of the biblical Noah's time.  The worst possible weather forecast had to do with the destruction of the archaic and demonic cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, set as reminders not to sin in that respect.  The Dead Sea serves as a vacation hotspot for many of today's forgetful if not ignorant peoples.    

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The moronstrocity of Charles Taze Russell

    Cleanliness is next to godliness in this shocking exposé of a false prophet organization destroying the faith. 
    Of all the extrapyramidal effects of pyramid schemes, the loss of family is the hardest pill to swallow.  
    -editors note. The pyramid gravestone depicted in the video has since been removed (covered up).

    The origins of the redundant prayers to the Father followed by the apostles directive while performing miracles in Jesus name.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

All Saints Day? (antichris II mixtape)

    Gleaning from the internet, ill communication is obsolete nowadays with our technologies of instant communications (texts and video).  The following sermon speaks volumes and saves much work in research on an obscure subject matter.

    [I don’t want, anybody else. When I think abou-out you I rub my neck]   -Divinyls (sort of) [bearing all the signs of intelligence of a mosquito].