Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Do No Harm-(agedon) header

    Given the circus like state of affairs, the carnival of tit for tat of seemingly endless wars and mayhem that have spilled over into the streets of most western countries who have welcomed it, peace of mind no longer reigns supreme.  

    Conservation of the environment is a group effort, and while there are those who put into practice the notion of tax and spending the clime into submission, greater forces than mathematics are at play.  

    Previous ice ages may well have been preceded by heat waves and a global meltdown if not simply the global deluge of the biblical Noah's time.  The worst possible weather forecast had to do with the destruction of the archaic and demonic cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, set as reminders not to sin in that respect.  The Dead Sea serves as a vacation hotspot for many of today's forgetful if not ignorant peoples.